Football for Peace

On May 29th, 2019, NAR in partnership with Bugarama sector in Rusizi District, under the Great Lakes Program

On May 29th, 2019, NAR in partnership with the Bugarama sector in Rusizi District, under the Great Lakes Program, NAR held a cross-border dialogue for members from Bugarama, Kamanyola, and Rugombo. This activity engaged the residents and the local leaders in a constructive dialogue on how to jointly solve the issues that hinder peace in the tripartite area.

The Deputy ED of NAR, Eric Mahoro, called on all residents in Bugarama to promote peace in all their daily activities but most importantly preserve and choose peace in the way they relate with the communities on either border. These remarks were echoed by the Executive Secretary of the Bugarama sector as he reminded residents that they have a right and a responsibility to peace, thus urging them to use the dialogue to advocate for any hindrances to peaceful cross border trade and harmonious living for the border communities.

The community outreach ended with a ‘Football for Peace’ match, where players used soft power and sports diplomacy to celebrate their differences and champion for respectful co-existence.

Rusizi Community Radio also played a role in engaging members in discussions on how to promote sustainable peace and trade between the residents of the three countries (Rwanda, DRC, Burundi) living along the border.

This program is implemented in partnership with Interpeace & supported by the Embassy of Sweden in Rwanda.

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