Participatory theatre an effective approach to engage youth in political affairs

According to the third Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey (ECIV3), the largest segment of the population in Rwanda is made up of young people, yet various experts and studies point to their influence on the politic space remaining limited. However, the inclusion of youth in political processes is a complex and multidimensional work which requires mind-set change especially among both the youth and the local leaders, while civil society ought to augment their efforts in political empowerment for youth.

Never Again Rwanda through Inzira Nziza activity engages youth constructively with different tools to support them to express and debate their views on democratic values and take leadership roles in the political sphere as they effectively promote and protect human rights and celebrate their diversities. The participatory theatre has proven to be one of the golden opportunities that bring both actors and community members into a creative power to transform conflicts with messages that consist of joint and communal issues that affect them, new solutions while also stimulating positive ideas. Driven by this imperative, NAR recognizes that young people have the capacity and talents to positively shape key political processes if empowered.  

On 31st August 2018, Under Inzira Nziza activities, NAR organized a Participatory Theatre with an aim to provide space for community members to voice their priorities as well as expectations from new MPs and to encourage meaningful youth participation in elections that were slated for 3rd and 4th September 2018. The participatory theatre was performed by Isoko Performing Arts made up of about 30 young people, with a message on raising awareness of citizen participation in the parliamentary elections. Youth actors used participatory theatre technics, traditional instruments such as Umuduri and umwirongi, songs that helped actors to reflect on the reason why voting is a responsibility of every citizen and how youth should play their role in the election process. After the participatory theatre, youth demonstrated the desire for more critical-thinking skills and deepening their understanding of democratic values as well as creating space for them to communicate their concerns, opinions, and needs.

Jean de Dieu Kamenyero from Mukamira sector noted that the theatre helped him to recognize his role in holding the elected leaders into account noting that “This theatre helped me to recognize my role as a youth in the election, it is a keen reminder that I should vote leaders who will help to advance young people’s voices in the decision making processes at all levels but also to establish strategies that will solve youth issues”.  While also Innocent Nshimiyimana from Mukamira noted that the theatre play reminded him that youth structures should work together with local leaders in order to accelerate the social-political transformation of their communities.

Umulisa Solange from Bigogwe Sector noted that “Throughout this theatre, I learned that I have to vote MPs who are able to commit to attaining their targets and meet the political promises they have made.  Since I took the time to analyze their objectives in rally campaigns, I will vote for someone who is dedicated to solving daunting issues in Nyabihu such as road infrastructures, human security issues as well as youth concerns”.

Inzira Nziza is a two-year activity funded by USAID Rwanda, implemented by Never Again Rwanda in 5 districts (Nyamagabe, Gisagara, and Huye from Southern province, Nyabihu, and Ngororero from the Western Province).

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