Great Lakes Peacebuilding Program

Never Again Rwanda promotes for lasting peace beyond the boundaries of Rwanda. These efforts are embedded in the Great Lakes Peacebuilding Program, which is often implemented in a mixed context of several upheavals at the levels of the regional diplomacy, integration, security and democratic processes. Despite that, the program has been able to register some successes;

  • Strengthening cross-border communities’ resilience against the chocks from recurrent crisis and conflicts with regional ramifications
  • Deconstruction of prejudices and strengthening the attitude of empathy and solidarity among border population
  • Promising cross-border cooperation, through a mechanism for regular communication between the political leaders from Rusizi District and the Province of South-Kivu in DRC

The program has directly reached out to 2,225 persons (1220 males and 1005 females), among them; 195 decisions makers, 1916 community members and 114 peacebuilding partners (CSOs and religious leaders), with 1,594 Rwandans, 111 Burundians, and 474 Congolese. This program is implemented in partnership with Interpeace and other regional partners like CENAP (Burundi), Pole Institute, CEJA, APC & RIO (DRC).

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