Closing the inequalities gap to achieve social justice

Every year since 2008, the 20th of February is observed as the World Day of Social Justice and is celebrated in a bid to recognize and uphold social development and social justice, which are indispensable for the achievement and maintenance of peace and security within and among nations.

Social justice cannot be attained in the absence of peace and security, or in the absence of respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms. Never Again Rwanda (NAR), being a peacebuilding and social justice non-governmental organization, believes that social justice begins with celebrating diversity within our communities.

Upholding the principles of social justice means advocating for change by addressing various inequalities within our society, and using our various privileges to speak out against issues hindering certain groups of people from enjoying the same privileges, rights and equalities. From its founding, NAR has relentlessly worked to close the inequality gap within Rwanda by promoting the inclusion of diverse groups including youth, women and historically marginalized peoples.

By first acknowledging the divisive Rwandan past characterized by oppression, violence, discrimination, and inequality, NAR has been able to work to close the inequality gap left by past systems. In order to re-establish peaceful coexistence among people from diverse backgrounds and achieve social justice, Never Again Rwanda’s work places special emphasis on rebuilding the social fabric by facilitating dialogue groups that help address challenges to peace by nurturing a sense of understanding between people of diverse backgrounds.

NAR also works to close the inequalities gap by including youth and citizens from diverse backgrounds in expressing their views on democratic values and taking up leadership roles in political spaces through citizen forums and Inzira Nziza activities. Peaceful dialogue and proper establishment of safe spaces also allows NAR and partners to engage citizens to live empowered lives, celebrate diversity and the power of inclusive peace values.

This year, NAR continues to work towards closing the inequality gap by breaking barriers in the movement towards a socially just world. This includes basing all the organization’s programs and activities (and selection of participants thereof) on concepts of human rights, equity and diversity in order to achieve a common goal of creating a society that enjoys sustainable peace.

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